Hometown: Hickory, NC
Major: Biology and Environmental Science
Research Interest: Climate change
“Being a part of this program has helped reassure me that the STEM field and specifically research are where I’m supposed to be.
WHAT attracted you to the CSS program and to Carolina?
I’ve had an interest in research since I took my first science classes high school and coming to UNC and being a Chancellor’s Science Scholar were perfect ways for me to get involved in research as an undergrad.
One of my favorite experiences was definitely going to Franklin Street with a bunch of my cohort members during our first year. We had such a fun time and were able to really get to know each other during those first couple weeks.
HOW HAS your experience with CSS SHAPED YOUR GOALS and career path?
Being a part of this program has helped reassure me that the STEM field and specifically research are where I’m supposed to be.
WHAT research topic are you interested in exploring and why?
I work in the Kingsolver lab on campus studying the effects of climate change on tobacco hornworms and a parasitoid wasp and how these changes affect different hostplants. This semester, I’m looking at the effects of nicotine on caterpillar consumption and excretion.