“The support that I have received through the CSS program has provided me with guidance to get the experiences that will help me understand potential careers better.
WHAT attracted you to the CSS program and to Carolina?
The opportunities to pursue research is what attracted me to the CSS program!
The Welcome Back event that happened in August ’21 was technically the first in-person event that I’ve been able to attend. It was great to finally be able to meet with everyone in my cohort and talk with members of other cohorts.
HOW HAS your experience with CSS SHAPED YOUR GOALS and career path?
The support that I have received through the CSS program has provided me with guidance to get the experiences that will help me understand potential careers better. I have received support and advice from people that are in the position that I want to be in, and it has been extremely helpful in determining the path that I want to take in the future!
WHAT research topic are you interested in exploring and why?
I’m interested in exploring astrophysics! This topic has always interested me because our universe is so vast and there are still so many things that we don’t know about it.