Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Major: Biology
Research Interest: Genetics and epidemiology
“I am most looking forward to exploring different areas of study and learning more about how STEM is applied to help others.
What attracted you to the CSS program and Carolina?
I was attracted to CSS and Carolina because of the opportunity for a diverse community of individuals with similar interests as me and also the immense support for research and asking questions.
What are you most looking forward to experiencing at Carolina over the next four years?
I am most looking forward to exploring different areas of study and learning more about how STEM is applied to help others.
What research topic(s) are you interested in exploring and why?
I would like to explore genetics and epidemiology because they can both be used to help others while also learning more about the world in general.
What is one thing you hope to accomplish in your future STEM career?
I hope to be involved in many research studies and use my career to travel as much as possible.