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Advisory Board

CSS is supported and guided by advisors across all STEM departments and the highest levels of university leadership, providing a partnership that is dedicated to the growth, preservation, and fulfillment of the CSS mission to make STEM fields more inclusive and accessible to all.


2023-2024 CSS Advisory Board

Dr. Mohit Bansal
Professor, Department of Computer Science

Dr. Jason Franz
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Sophie McCoy
Associate Professor, Department of Biology

Dr. Yaiza Canzani
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

Dr. Rebecca Fry
Interim Chair and Distinguished Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Dr. Amy Nicholson
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Karl Castillo
Professor, Department of Earth, Marine, and Environmental Science

Dr. Monica Gaudier-Diaz
Director, Chancellor’s Science Scholars Program

Dr. Abigail Panter
Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Toni Darville
Distinguished Professor and Director of the UNC MD/PhD Program

Dr. Leslie Hicks
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dr. Samantha Pattenden
Associate Professor, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry